November 6, 2008

Basic Syntax

This article will cover some very basic syntax elements to jump start the learning of F#. It is not intended to provide a full explanation of each construct so as to make it short.


let x = 10

let y = if x> 10 then 1 else 2

let mutable z = 1
z <- z + 1

1. Value of x cannot be changed. So we refer x as a
value instead of a variable.
2. z is mutable
3. Use <- operator to change the value of a mutable value
4. Specifying a type is not necessary as the type will be inferred by the RHS value.

Function Declaration

let f n = 10 * n + 2

let f a b = a * 2 + b

1. No parenthesis is surrounding the argument
2. No comma to separate arguments

Calling a function

let x = f 10
let y = f 10 + 1
let z = f (x + 10)

1. No parenthesis is surrounding the argument
2. y = x +1 as function calling has a higher precedence than binary operators
3. Parenthesis is used to change the association


rec f n = if n > 0 then (f n-1) * 2 else 1

1. rec prefix must be used to allow a function to call itself.
2. Recursive function must have a terminal case (e.g. n = 0 -> 1).


for i = 1 to 10 do printfn i

for i = 1 to 10 do
printf "Hello,"
printfn "World"

printf and printfn are built-in functions for printing to console. printfn terminates the line with a carriage return
2. Indentation is significant to define the boundary of the block (so no
next statement is required)


let f n = if n > 10 then
let m = 20
let p = m + n
n - 1

1. Indentation is used to define the block
2. Last expression within a block will be used as the return value
3. If the else part is not defined, compilation error will be resulted

This concludes a general introduction to the basic syntax of F#.

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