October 28, 2008

What is F#

"A succinct, type-inferred, expressive, efficient functional and object-oriented language for the .NET platform."
Microsoft Research

F# is a succinct, type-inferred functional programming language for developed by Microsoft Research by Don Syme and James Margetson.

F# is a multi-paradigm programming language as it also supports object-oriented programming.

F# has its heritage from ML family especially OCaml. It also borrows features from C# and Haskell. F# is not a pure functional language as it allows side-effect and mutable variables.

F# is highly compatible with OCaml (may require some minor conditional compilation).

F# is the first class citizen in .NET platform which means F# compiler generates MSIL just like other languages in .NET platform. F# can access modules written in other .NET languages and verse versa.

In future release of Microsoft Visual Studio, F# will be included.

In the current stage, F# can be downloaded as a separated package with VS2005 and VS2008 integration provided. It may be possible to have F# Express, just like VB Express and C# Express, for hobbyists.

F# can also be used in Linux and Mac OSX via Mono 2.0 Framework.

Currently no known non-Microsoft version of F# exist.

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